1. How do you stay in shape while traveling?

Of course it depends on your travel schedule and where you are but a jog or run in the morning or afternoon can be a good part of feeling good and staying in shape. I like to run fast for about 60 yards and then walk the same and repeat that again rather than just jogging or running the same speed the whole time. And you can always do some great movement exercises no matter where you are. Moves like swinging both hands up above your head while taking a deap breath and then back down as you breath out. This really feels good and will help wake you up if you’re trying to stay alert. Then of course there are toe touches, windmills and sit-ups that are great to help counter too much sitting. And you can always save the harder things, like push-ups and jump squats for every other day if you want.

If there is some kind of an exercise room, then doing some weights can be fun and helps you keep strong and fit. Occasionally there may be bikes available for riding, or I could take a city tour, like walk around Rome with a guide. Other places will be better for hiking.

2. What is a favorite exercise that you look forward to that makes you feel good?

My favorite exercise is alternating between running and walking.


Your Travel Exercise . . . What's Your Choice?



No Weights

Or, All Three?